Last modified: Jan 4, 2024

privacy policy

This privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) describes the kinds of personal information and data Hook Media Inc (“Hook”, “we”) collect from those who access the website (the “Website”) and software application (the “App”) (collectively: the “Service”) that is owned, maintained and controlled by Hook.

This Privacy Policy further explains how Hook collects this data and how we intend to use this data connection with the operation and development of the Service. We hope this helps you to understand our privacy commitments to you.

For information on how to contact us if you ever have any questions or concerns, then please contact us via email and see Section “How to Contact Us” for any additional information.

Alternatively, if you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Service.

The Personal Information We Collect

Our two goals in collecting personal information and data from you (the “User”, “You”) in relation to your use, access to and interaction with the Service (collectively, the “Information”) are to grant you access to the Service and to further improve and develop the Service. The types of Information we collect are:

  • Account Registration Data The Service will only be available to registered users who set up an account. The personal information you will be asked to voluntarily provide will include your name, date of birth, an email address, password, and a username. If you use a third-party service (eg: Google, Apple ID) to create an account, we will receive personal data via that third party service but only when you have consented to that third party sharing your personal data with us.

  • Technical Information Data When you access the Service, Hook will receive and record information on our server logs device including the location, Internet Protocol (IP) address, the type of device you used access the Service, unique device ID, device attributes, device performance. network connection type, language, operating system, and the App version that you are using.

  • Service Interaction Data When you access and use the Service, Hook will receive and record on information related to your interactions with the Service, the Content on the Service, your creation of Remixes, your interactions with other users of the Service, and Your Materials that you upload onto the Service (as such terms are defined in the Terms of Use.

  • Authentication Partner Data If you register for or log into our Services using third party credentials (e.g. Google, Apple), we will import your information for such third party to help create your account with us.

  • Technical Service Partners Data We work with technical service partners that provide us with certain data, such as Beta Testing Period (as defined below) controls and insights (e.g. TestFlight), such as mapping IP addresses to non-precise location data (e.g. city, state), to enable us to provide the Service.

How We Use Your Information

Upon accessing and using the Service, we use (or “process”) process Information we collect about you for various purposes depending on your interactions with the Service. Under applicable data protection laws, we must have a specific lawful basis for the processing of your Information.

  1. Some Information is processed for the performance of a contract including but not limited to:

    • The performance and enforcement of the contract (i.e. Terms of Use between you and Hook;

    • For taking steps to enter into the contract between you and Hook by collecting Information (i.e. Account Registration Data) to help you register with the Service and set up an account which will grant you access to the Service.

    • To ensure Hook’s performance with the terms and conditions of its licensing agreement with third party Content owners.

  2. Some processing of your Information is necessary for our legitimate interests or compliance with legal obligations. These interests and obligations include but are not limited to:

    • To test, improve and monitor the Services, including diagnosing and fixing technology problems related to the Service.

    • To automatically update the App on your device.

    • To ensure compliance with all third-party licensing agreements with Content owners.

    • Administering and protecting our business and the rights of third-party licensors of Content that is available on the Service.

    • Managing our relationship with you and communicating to you about your account registration, how to set up an account, the status of the Services, new features, and to respond to your feedback and queries.

    • Providing personalized content to you, collecting statistical information about your use of the Services,

    • Preventing abuse or illegal activity on the Service.

    • Ensuring you follow and comply with the Terms of Use.

    • To comply with applicable rules, laws, regulations, codes of practice or guidelines issued by any legal or regulatory bodies which are binding on us.

Sharing Your Information

We will share the Information collected or generated through your use of the Service with the following recipients:

  1. Service Providers
    We use certain reputable third parties (e.g. Amazon Web Services) to provide us with certain specialized services related to the Service, in particular those which host, store, manage and maintain the App, the Content, and the data we process. These third parties will have access to certain anonymized data about you, but only where this is necessary in order for those third parties to provide their services to us.

  2. Statistical Analysis Platforms
    We may aggregate your anonymized Information with similar data of other Users of the Service using third party statistical analysis platforms (e.g. Google Analytics), in order to create statistical information regarding the Service and its use, which we may then share with such statistical information with third parties or make such aggregated data publicly available. Please be assured: none of this information will include any information that could be used to identify you individually (online or offline) including but not limited to email address or other contact information.

  3. Change of Control
    If the ownership of our business changes or we undertake a reorganization of our business, we may transfer your Information, Content and Your Materials to the new owners so they can continue to operate the Services. The new owners may subsequently make changes to this Privacy Policy/

  4. Law Enforcement and Data Protection Authorities
    We will disclose your Information if we believe in good faith that we are permitted or required to do so by law, including in response to a court order, subpoena or other legal demand or request. We may disclose your Information if we feel this it is necessary in order to protect or defend our legitimate rights and interests, or those of our users, employees, directors, or shareholders, and/or to ensure the safety and security of other Users or the Service.

Choice and Control

We do our best to give you as much choice as possible regarding the amount of Information you provide to us, and the control you have over that Information.

It is not necessary for you to provide us with any data in order to visit the Website, although certain data will be collected automatically by virtue of your visit (as described above). However, if you do decide to set up and register with Hook in order to use the Service, you can control your personal data through the privacy settings available in the App. This enables you to control, among other things, which email notifications (if any) you would like to receive from us.

If we send you electronic marketing messages based on your consent or otherwise permitted by applicable law, you may, at any time, withdraw such consent or declare your objection (“opt-out”) at no cost. The electronic marketing messages you receive from Hook (e.g. those sent via email) will also include an opt-out mechanism within the message itself (e.g. an unsubscribe link in the emails we send to you).

Storage and Transfer of Information

Hook or others on our behalf may transfer your Information to other countries in which our facilities or service providers are located, to be stored or processed.

We will ensure that where we transfer your Information outside of Singapore, the United Kingdom, or the European Economic Area, we will put in place all necessary safeguards to protect your personal data, in accordance with applicable data protection laws. This includes the entities’ making of reasonable security arrangements to prevent unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal, or similar risk to your Information, and removing the Information as soon as it is reasonable to assume that its retention is no longer necessary.

Retention and Deletion of Information

We keep your personal data only as long as necessary to provide you with access to the Service and for legitimate and essential business purposes, such as maintaining the performance of the Service, making data-driven business decisions about new features and offerings, complying with our legal obligations, and resolving disputes. We keep some of your personal data for as long as you are a user of the Service.

If you request, we will delete or anonymize your personal data so that it no longer identifies you, unless we are legally allowed or required to maintain certain personal data, including situations such as the following:

  • If there is an unresolved issue relating to your account, such as unresolved claim or dispute related to Your Materials, we will retain the necessary personal data until the issue is resolved;

  • Where we are required to retain the personal data for our legal, tax, audit, and accounting obligations, we will retain the necessary personal data for the period required by applicable law; and/or,

  • Where necessary for our legitimate business interests, such as fraud prevention or to maintain the security of our Users.

  • You can always delete your account by contacting us at at any time.

Please note that if you delete Information or Your Materials which you have uploaded or posted on the Service, copies may remain viewable in cached and archived pages of the Service, unless you contact us to request permanent deletion as per “How to Contact Us” Section below.

Children's Policy

Further to the Terms of Use, children under the age of 13 are not permitted to access or use the Service. We do not knowingly collect Information from children under the age of 13 without parental consent. If you are a child under 13 years of age, you are not permitted to use the Service and should not send any Information about yourself to us through the Service.

In the event that we become aware that we have collected Information from any child, we will delete that Information. If you are a parent or guardian and you believe that your child under the age of 13 years has provided us with Information without your consent, please email us at and we will take reasonable steps to ensure that such Information is deleted from our systems.

Third Party Sites and Services

The Service is currently in its testing and development phase (“Beta Testing Period”). In order to access the Services during the Beta Testing Period, you may be required to register for third party services such as Apple’s TestFlight (“TestFlight”) and will need to accept the TestFlight Privacy Policy that governs the Information that is collected and shared by Apple with us. You acknowledge that Hook does not control TestFlight. We strongly encourage our Users to read the TestFlight Privacy Policy. We do not endorse, screen, or approve and are not responsible for TestFlight’s privacy practices or your access to such TestFlight is at your sole risk.

Hook may also nclude in the Service, links to third party websites and services (“Third Party Sites”). You acknowledge that Hook does not control these Third-Party Sites. We strongly encourage our Users to read the privacy policies of all Third-Party Sites which they access. We do not endorse, screen, or approve and are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of any Third-Party Site and your access to such sites is at your sole risk.

Users in the United Kingdom (UK) or European Economic Area (EEA)

If you are using the Service in the United Kingdom or European Economic Area, the General Data Protection Regulation or "GDPR" gives certain rights to individuals in relation to their personal data. As available and except as limited under applicable law, the rights – some of which will apply generally and others which apply in certain circumstances based on the features of the Service and the data we actually collect, are:

  • Right of Access The right to be informed of and request access to the personal data we process about you;

  • Right to Rectification The right to request that we amend or update your personal data where it is inaccurate or incomplete;

  • Right to Erasure The right to request that we delete your personal data;

  • Right to Restrict The right to request that we temporarily or permanently stop processing all or some of your personal data;

  • Right to Object The right, at any time, to object to us processing your personal data on grounds relating to your particular situation, or to object to your personal data being processed for direct marketing purposes;

  • Right to Data Portability The right to request a copy of your personal data in electronic format and the right to transmit that personal data for use in another party’s service; and

  • Right not to be Subject to Automated Decision Making The right to not be subject to a decision based solely on automated decision-making, including profiling, where the decision would have a legal effect on you or produce a similarly significant effect.

You may exercise any of the above rights by contacting our privacy officer via email at

Changes to this Policy

We may change or update this Privacy Policy from time to time at our sole discretion. As may be required by any applicable laws, we will inform you of any material modifications to this Privacy Policy. If you continue to access the Services after the updates to the Privacy Policy become effective, you understand that you will be deemed to have accepted the updated Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the updates to the Privacy Policy, do not access the Service and terminate your account per Terms of Use.

Contact Us

Please contact us if you wish to:

  • Update or correct your Information;

  • Wish to request for information from us on what Information of yours we have and how we have used and shared your Information during the last one year before the date of your request;

  • Wish to restrict or withdraw your consent to our processing of your Information;

  • Wish us to delete your Information;

  • Have any questions, concerns, or feedback on this Privacy Policy.

We may be contacted via email or in writing:

By Email:

By US Mail:
Hook Media, Inc.
Attn: Privacy Officer
200 Riverside Blvd – Unit 21B
New York, NY 10069